I provide psychological testing for children, teens and adults. Psychological testing and evaluation consists of a series of standardized tests used to clarify a psychiatric diagnosis, determine the cause of psychological symptoms and disorders, help understand behaviors, identify individual strengths and weaknesses, diagnose learning disabilities, cognitive impairments, and other behavioral health conditions.
- Clinical Interview: 90-120 minute face to face interview.
- Testing: 1-2 sessions of face-to-face testing with client between 3-8 hours duration.
- Scoring, Interpretation, Records Review, and Report Writing:
- Results Session: one-hour feedback session with client, or parent(s) if testing a minor. Testing results, diagnosis, and an individualized treatment plan outlining specific treatment options, accommodations and recommendations are reviewed. A copy of the comprehensive report is provided during this session.
- Connection to Referrals. Local referrals are provided as needed and may include psychiatrists, pediatricians, psychologists, and community agencies.